Child's, The English And Scottish Ballads

Volume 3 of 8 from 1860 edition -online book

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ohon, an exclamation of sor­row, alas. onbethought, 35, thought upon. or, before. out o'hand, at oncet owre, 151, or, ere. oys, grandsons.
Pa, I44-. Qy. Is this a con­traction of pall, paU, an alley or maU in which games of ball are played t
pall, a Jcind of rich cloth.
Pasche, £hster.
pat, put.
paughty, insolent.
pearlings, thread laces.
piot, pitch.
pike, pick.
pin, summit; gallows pin, top of the gallows f
pine, sorrow.
pitten, put.
plat, interwove.
play-feres, playfellows.
plight, pledge.
plooky, pimpled.
poin'd, seized.
poke, bag.
pot, a deep place scooped in a rock or river-bed by the ed­dies.
pou, pull.
prestlye, quickly.
pricked, rode smartly.
prime, six o'clock.
prude, 81, proud?
put down, putten down, executed, hilled.
quair, choir. quha, who. quick, alive.
raw, row.
reade, advise.
reave, deprive.
removde, 174, stirred up, ex­cited.
reuish, renisht, 161,167?
rievers, marauders, robbers,
rigg, ridge.
rive, riven.
roode, cross..
room, 217, make room.
roudes, haggard.
round tables, a game much played in the lbth § Voth century.
row, roll; rowd, rolled.
saokless, guiltless.
said, sold.
sark, shirt, shift.
sat, futed.
save, 211, essay, try.
scale, scatter, disperse.
scath, injury.
scoup, 194, go or fly.
scuttle dishes, 273, wooden
platters. sea-maw, sea-mew. see, (save and see,)protect. sell, good; sell gude, right
good. sen, 280, sent. sen, since. send, message. shanna, shall not.